3 common natural treatments for lung cancer

Editorial Team

By Modern60

Last Updated on,
August 1st, 2024

3 common natural treatments for lung cancer

Lung cancer is a condition in which the lung’s cells multiply and grow out of control, causing a host of health issues. Like most cancers, it becomes increasingly untreatable as it progresses and spreads to the other body parts. After initial diagnosis, healthcare experts recommend several treatment options to patients. Doctors also suggest natural treatments in some instances to control the symptoms and help a person manage the condition better.

Following a balanced food regime

Following a balanced food regime
Source: Shutterstock

Eating healthy foods is essential when dealing with cancer. Fatty fish like salmon have anticancer vitamins like vitamin D3, which benefit patients in many ways. For instance, it helps stop non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells from growing in the blood. Besides salmon, vitamin D3 is mackerel, herring, and tuna have vitamin D3. One can also get a good amount of vitamin D by walking in the morning sun for a few hours.

Like fatty fish, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables can help manage lung cancer naturally. One can pick any veggie, like spinach, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Broccoli is particularly healthy because it is an anti-angiogenic food. These foods steadily slow down the blood vessel growth that tumors cause in various body parts. In doing so, they support other powerful cancer treatments. Besides veggies, one can also reach for fresh fruits, such as grapefruit and oranges, and berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Vegetables and fruits are healthier than processed foods and are easily available in the market.

Besides picking healthy foods, one must use healthy ingredients when cooking. Turmeric has curcumin, which may control lung cancer cells’ growth and help kill them. What’s more, curcumin makes cancer cells more sensitive and, as a result, more vulnerable to dying during chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Of course, turmeric also makes the food tastier!

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Remember, healthy nutrition alone does not cure cancer. The condition is so complex that even the best researchers and doctors have yet to find the perfect treatment. Nevertheless, several research studies have found that cancer risk can be lowered by eating the “right” foods. Fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains are often featured on the list. In that sense, eating right is a great way to help prevent lung cancer.

Opting for acupuncture therapy

This traditional Chinese treatment stimulates certain points on the body using tiny pointed devices to treat specific diseases. Experts who have studied acupuncture say that this stimulation restores the natural flow of energy within the body. A large percentage of diseases, including cancer, are often caused due to stress, the presence of cortisol in the blood, and other psychological elements. Acupuncture and meditation-based exercises aim to address these issues in the most holistic way possible.

Opting for acupuncture therapy
Source: Shutterstock

Issues like nausea, pain, and poor well-being put people in a negative frame of mind. When these problems last a long time, one can get stressed and worried, which can release a hormone called cortisol into the blood. Some studies say that cortisol can increase the risk of cancer or worsen the symptoms in those who already have the condition. Acupuncture helps reduce stress and prevents it from leading to other complications.

Meditation is another natural treatment for lung cancer if someone does not prefer acupuncture. It helps people relax and reduce the stress they experience directly due to their health condition or other reasons. Simple breathing exercises help calm the mind and reduce cortisol levels in a person’s body.

Choosing aromatherapy

Like acupuncture and meditation, aromatherapy helps calm a person’s nerves and puts them in a positive frame of mind. One can use aromatic oils, such as lavender, lilac, CBD, and frankincense oil, while meditating or during acupuncture therapy. However, individuals should use these only after speaking to an expert and if they do not have an allergy to the smells of these oils. The expert may suggest a way to use the oil safely so that it does not cause other problems.

Choosing aromatherapy
Source: Shutterstock

Sometimes, cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause people to be perpetually worried about the present and future. In such instances, aromatherapy can improve people’s mental state and reduce the amount of stress they are going through. It can calm them down and remove negative thoughts from their minds momentarily.

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Lung cancer, or any form of cancer for that matter, can be hard to battle. Still, people should keep their spirits high and take care of their mental health. Doing so is as important as taking one’s treatments on time and visiting the cancer center for checkups.

Written By Editorial Team Modern60
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