Is Milk Good For Seniors? Expert Recommendations From A Dietitian

Yes! Milk is a good option for elderly people to meet their nutritional needs, and here are the 4 reasons why.

Nutrient Benefits:

Milk contains calcium, vitamin D, & proteins, which are crucial for maintaining bone & muscle strength as we age.

Bone Health:

Regular milk consumption can prevent osteoporosis & fractures by providing essential nutrients for bone health.

Weight Management:

There are milks that have low-fat options to reduce fat consumption while still obtaining essential nutrients.

Milk consumption has many health benefits, but there are also some possible risks that come along as we get older.

It is best to stay away from the consumption of regular milk if one has lactose intolerance or a lactose allergy that often occurs as we age.

To discover the alternatives for regular milk, check out the article now!

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